Utility Assistance Resources: Utility-Specific

These resources are still in development. Please feel free to contact us or check back later if your utility company’s customer assistance information isn’t listed below.

Aqua Water (English and Spanish)

Columbia Gas (English and Spanish)

Duquesne Light (English and Spanish)

First Energy Electric – Met-Ed / Penelec / Penn Power / West Penn Power (English and Spanish)

National Fuel Gas / NFG (English and Spanish)

PECO Electric / Gas (English and Spanish)

Pennsylvania American Water Company (English and Spanish)

Peoples Gas (English and Spanish)

Philadelphia Gas Works / PGW (English and Spanish)

Philadelphia Water Department (English and Spanish)

PPL Electric (English and Spanish)

PWSA (English and Spanish)

UGI Electric / Gas (English and Spanish)

Veolia (English and Spanish)