Judy Berkman Celebrates with ACE

The Philadelphia Bar Association’s Advancing Civics Education (“ACE”) is an initiative of the Philadelphia Bar Association that brings volunteer lawyers and judges into Philadelphia public high schools in order to engage in critical thinking about government, law and dispute resolution.

Judy Berkman has been the team leader for a team of judges and lawyers that has been participating in the ACE program at Germantown High School for the past 4 years, and Will Shuey is on the ACE team that visits South Philadelphia High School.

In the spring of 2012, Judy’s team taught the high school seniors in their class about criminal law procedure and guided the students in lively discussions about the Trayvon Martin case.    In June, 2012, there was a year end educational program and ceremony at the Constitution Center to congratulate the all the students, teachers, and ACE teams on completion of a successful year and to present  the classroom teacher with certificates for each student.