The Impact of Section 3 Certification: The Grace Security Story

Barbara Strothers, CEO of Grace Security.
Barbara Strothers, CEO of Grace Security.

Renee Robinson, Section 3 Business Certification Specialist,  took some time to reach out to Barbara Strothers to discuss the impact that Section 3 Certification has had on her business, Grace Security.

Grace Security was founded by Strothers and Clyde D. Mann Jr. to provide security guards to commercial buildings, retail businesses, and special events in the Pittsburgh area. They have had their Section 3 Certification since 2012.

Visit their Facebook page to find out more about their services.
Robinson: What made you want to do Security?

Strothers: I have been doing security for 14 years. Eventually I thought about doing it for myself. I currently employ 10 people all of which who are from the Hill District.

Robinson: Has the Section 3 Business Program helped you? If so, how?

Strothers: It’s helped me a lot. People have been calling us when they want jobs done for them and their business. Most of the calls I received was from being a part of Section 3 Business Program. I am in my second year and I am excited about it. The Hill House community stuff, Shop N Save, and different jobs and events here and there all have been keeping us busy.

Robinson: What inspired you to start your own business?

Strothers: The fact that I had the willingness to get out there and do it. To be honest and open minded about doing it and not being afraid. Whether I make it or nothing; nothing beats a fail but a try. If I never tried I would have never known if I would have made it or not. No one else will do it for you. You would have been wondering if you could have did it.

Robinson: Where do you want to be in the future?

Strothers: Somewhere sitting on the beach. (Laughs) I want to be a big help to my people and my community. Someone to look up to in the community. Especially to these women. Keep focused and keep telling yourself that you can do it. Don’t let these young guys tell you that you can’t do it. Especially my daughter. I am happy that my daughter is being successful and doing well; I am thankful for her and my son. These guys need someone to look up to as well. They all need role models. I want to let women know that they could be anything they want. They just have to want it and stay focused. I thank God for it first of all. I am truly thankful for his blessing and doing his will and he makes my way.

Robinson: Would you refer other Business to register on the Section 3 Certification website?

Strothers: Most definitely!

Special thanks to Barbara to for taking the time to share her experiences with us!