Comments from Mark Schwartz at Homes Within Reach

GailHoffmannGail Hoffmann delivered comments from RHLS Executive Director, Mark Schwartz, during today’s opening session at Homes Within Reach in his trademark uniform — a baseball hat.

“The past 2 years have been very eventful for the Board of the Housing Alliance. We have taken a number of step to make the Housing Alliance Board more nimble, better able to respond quickly to opportunities. I thank everyone for their cooperation and understanding during what was a long and involved process.

One challenge we face with a smaller board is keeping all of our former Board members and supporters engaged as we move forward. I trust that the new Board leadership and the great staff of the Alliance  will be successful at maintaining  these important relationships.

I was recently reminded by Larry Swanson that after the new Board elections I will be the last remaining original Board member of the Alliance. I was lucky to have had the opportunity to work with so many amazing people.

Thank you for the opportunity to be the Board President these past few years, it was a great honor.”

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