New Report on Advancing Energy Efficiency Funding for Multifamily Properties Highlights Expertise of PULP

Partnering for Success: An Action Guide for Advancing Utility Energy Efficiency Funding for Multifamily Housing, released on March 28, 2013, by the National Housing Trust (NHT), provides guidance on how key stakeholders from the housing and utility sectors can effectively work together to significantly improve the energy efficiency of multifamily affordable rental housing.

In highlighting the successes in Pennsylvania, the report emphasized the key role played by the Pennsylvania Utility Law Project (PULP) in bringing essential players to the table:

“[PULP] played a critical role in facilitating discussions with key stakeholders including the utilities, the Public Utility Commission, the Office of Consumer Advocate and others. PULP’s experience and credibility as an advocate for the rights of  Pennsylvania’s low-income consumers made it the ideal organization to facilitate discussions with these stakeholders.”   Report at 26.